
Showing posts from August, 2017

5 main benefits of calculating BMI

BMI stands for Body mass index, which measures body mass on basis of weight and height applying to male and females. BMI is a ratio of weight and height, which was invented by Adolphe Quetelet, a Belgian statistician who in 1832 published Quetelet Index. It is essential to Highlight that Quetelet wasn’t interested to study about obesity when this index was developed. Quetelet was interested in administering probability calculus to features and characteristics of a human, which conducted him to create an index of weight. Using this index he studied average man’s growth. This made him conclude that weight tends to grow as height grows. After world war 2 took place, there were a lot of incidents of death due to obesity and overweight, this is when many people stood up to raise awareness about it that is when Quetelet index came handy and in notice. 1. You can gain weight if you’re underweight : Being under weight is bad for your health as it causes malnutrition which increases fati